Posts tagged 2016-2017
Saskatchewan Variety Performance Group – Data Enhancement and Wheat Midge Resistance Testing

In this project, SVPG is collecting additional data in the variety performance trials on priority traits including maturity, height, lodging, test weight, thousand kernel weight, ergot and wheat midge, to enhance the available data set and to provide farmers with more productive information on farming decisions.

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SK Water Monitoring for Neonicotinoid Insecticides

Water quality information currently available to understand neonicotinoid concentrations in the environment is based on limited data, especially in prairie streams and rivers. Information from these water monitoring programs could influence the decision on the phase-out of imidacloprid and the subsequent special review of the other two neonicotinoids.

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Effect of Harvest Residue Distribution on Subsequent Crop Emergence and Performance

This project involves field-scale trials to determine the effect of poor management of residue of cereal crop on the following year’s canola emergence and yield, and to assess whether post-harvest operations, such as harrowing and high-speed disking (“vertical tillage”), can mitigate the residue management issues.

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High-throughput omics approaches for effective breeding selection of durum wheat quality

This project will focus on genetic and genomic approaches to predict quality parameters including protein content, yellow pigment content (YPC) and milling quality in durum which will enable larger scale selections for those traits at earlier generations of breeding programs and ultimately accelerate the breeding programs on improving durum wheat quality.

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Field evaluation of one seed treatment inducing multiple agronomic responses from emergence to yield

This project builds on the findings from previous ADF project on the positive effect of recently developed, inexpensive, one-time seed treatment on early seed germination, seedling establishment and enhanced root development in spring. These are the critical factors for increasing yield through advanced flowering and avoidance of heat/drought stress in mid-summer in multiple crops.

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Comparing wheat allergenicity in ancient and modern wheats

This project is the first intensive study focused on characterizing the wheat gluten protein complex from a historical set of 37 CWRS wheat varieties, to study changes in glutenin and gliadin subunits over time and to identify specific changes or not both in quantity and quality in Celiac disease (CD) causing epitopes in wheat gluten complex proteins.

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