Posts in Variety Development
Physiological and genetic mechanisms of grain quality associated with nitrogen use efficiency in near isogenic bread wheat

This project focuses on identifying new wheat germplasm with better Nitrogen Use Efficiency (NUE) and grain quality. Currently, the fertilizer NUE (grain yield per unit of N fertilizers) in many farm fields is below 50%, leading to significant loss of N and investments, and environmental contamination as well. Currently, the yearly genetic gain for NUE in wheat is very low and in the range of 0.3-1.2%. The use of higher NUE wheat varieties that could improve efficiency even by 10% from the current level would save the cost associated with N fertilizers by $3.4 to $17.0 million per year for Saskatchewan.

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Visualization and visual analytics tools for improved crop breeding

The main problems with current tools for visualizing crop genetics and supporting marker-assisted selection are the: lack of availability and usability for real-world breeding programs, lack of explicit support for polyploidy crops including wheat (whole-genome duplication), and lack of scalability to the size of datasets that are now available. Thus, this project will focus on developing new visual-analytics tools for Saskatchewan crop breeders using genomic data from four important Saskatchewan crop including wheat, that will improve marker-based selection and genomic exploration to a greater extend.

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