Early generation selection for high grain yield and protein content in wheat using physiological breeding

2022 - 2026
Sask Wheat Funding
status in progress

Lead Researcher

Lead Researcher

Dr. Jatinder SanghaAgriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Swift Current
Dr. Jatinder Sangha

Funding Partners

Funding Partners: Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture (SMA) – Agriculture Development Fund (ADF), Manitoba Crop Alliance (MCA), Western Grains Research Foundation (WGRF)


The project aims at exploring the potential of carbon and oxygen isotope partitioning measurements (related to photosynthesis and transpiration capacity) in wheat kernels as a biomarker to predict grain yield and protein in spring wheat cultivars.


The application and use of above physiological breeding traits are relatively cost-effective, fast, accurate and non-destructive.

  1. Evaluate 100 spring wheat germplasm based on screening of wheat kernels for ratio of carbon and oxygen isotope discrimination and growing them in the field locations (Swift Current and Indian Head).
  2. Determine the potential of using d13C and/ d18O in early generation selection of F2-F4 plants for higher yield/ protein predictability.
  3. Genotype the double haploid bread wheat population for traits related to carbon and oxygen isotope traits and identify gene locations (QTLs) for these traits in spring wheat.