Joint letter to provincial government about AgriStability enrollment extension and compensation rate increase

August 4, 2021


The Honourable Scott Moe, Premier of Saskatchewan

Room 226, 2405 Legislative Drive

Regina, Saskatchewan S4S 0B3


The Honourable David Marit, Minister of Agriculture

Room 334, 2405 Legislative Drive

Regina, Saskatchewan S4S 0B3


The Honourable Donna Harpauer, Minister of Finance

Room 312, 2405 Legislative Drive

Regina, Saskatchewan S4S 0B3


RE: AgriStability enrollment extension and compensation rate increase


Dear Premier Moe and Ministers:


The undersigned organizations are writing on behalf of our members and levy payers to respectfully request that your government work with the Government of Canada to extend the enrollment deadline for AgriStability and increase coverage levels to an 80% compensation rate.


We recognize the recent change to the AgriStability Reference Margin Limitation and your government’s proactive response to the drought conditions faced by agricultural producers through the AgriRecovery process and recent Crop Insurance policy changes. It is essential the Government of Saskatchewan does all it can to protect our provincial crop and livestock industries.


Given the current extreme drought conditions, it is now clear that production volumes and crop quality will be well below average. The prolonged heat waves throughout July were extraordinary. Most producers did not anticipate the rapid deterioration of crop and forage production until after the June 30 AgriStability enrollment deadline.


Many successful farm operations in Saskatchewan will be unable to meet their financial obligations without further support. Expected yields in the grains and oilseeds sectors will not cover production costs and living expenses for many farms. Producers who have forward purchase agreements with grain companies are now facing the prospect of having to buy out any unfilled contract terms. These unanticipated expenses are not adequately covered within current AgriStability coverage levels.


We recognize the significant financial pressures that the provincial government has faced throughout the pandemic, and the difficult financial decisions your government has made. We also appreciate your government’s understanding and support during this difficult time for the agricultural sector.


Thank you for your consideration and we look forward to further discussion.




Todd Lewis, President, APAS

Ray Orb, Presiden, SARM

Bernie McClean, Chair, SaskCanola

Matt Enns, Chair, SaskBarley

Brett Halstead, Chair, Sask Wheat

Greg Sundquist, Chair, SaskFlax

Chris Rundel, Chair, SaskOats

Garry Johnson, President, SaskOrganics

Shaun Dyrland, Chair, Saskatchewan Pulse Growers