What is the Check-Off?

The check-off is an investment into Saskatchewan’s future. Together, we fund research, market development and promotion for the future of Saskatchewan-grown wheat.

What is the Check-off?

The check-off is a collection of $1 per tonne from spring wheat, winter wheat, fall rye, winter triticale and durum sold in Saskatchewan.

The check-off ensures that there is always funding in place for research and other activities that further your interests, and that means that you always have a say in how these funds are invested through our elected Board of Directors.

Return On Investment

In 2022, we commissioned research from the University of Saskatchewan to measure the benefits from the investment of your check-off dollars. They found that investments into developing new wheat varieties have returned $32.60 in benefits for every $1.00 invested! These benefits directly contribute to improved varieties and other technologies that keep wheat sustainable and profitable for your operation.

Our investments fund significant scientific breakthroughs and advances, including sequencing the wheat genome, which will generate new advancements in the future. These breakthroughs are made possible with check-off dollars contributed by you.

Producer-Led Investments

While the check-off is imperative to enhance wheat research and profitability, you ultimately choose whether your money is invested or returned to you.

If you would like to request your check-off dollars back, you may contact us to do so. We hope that you choose to continue investing in the future of Saskatchewan wheat. This research benefits us all, and we’re proud to be part of it. We hope you are too.

Do you have more questions? We’re happy to help.

Contact Us