
In 2013, The Government of Saskatchewan launched the Saskatchewan wheat industry into a new era.

Producers needed an organization that could advocate for change and help pave the way for the future of Saskatchewan wheat. This involves guiding cutting-edge research and initiatives, advocating for producers’ best interests and more. Sask Wheat was created to fulfill those needs.


Now, we support Saskatchewan wheat producers by funding research and initiatives that keep wheat sustainable and profitable for future generations.

Whether we’re advising government agencies on policy or sharing knowledge with producers province-wide, we have one goal: to put the future of Saskatchewan’s wheat industry in your hands and push forward, together.


The producer check-off directly contributes to research that is actively transforming the wheat industry, one project at a time.

Your levy payment is an investment in the future of your industry. Every goal we accomplish, we accomplish together.

Sask Wheat funds scholarships, advocates for better policy and lays foundations for change at every level of Saskatchewan’s wheat industry.

Western Canadian wheat producers have gained $33 for every dollar invested in varietal developments.
Since 2014, producer investments have funded 305 research projects.

How it Works

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    Check-off contributions of

    $1 per tonne

    are collected on all spring wheat, winter wheat, fall rye, winter triticale and durum grown and sold in Saskatchewan.

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    These funds are invested in research which benefits the wheat industry, focusing on four priority areas:

    • Research
    • Market Development
    • Advocacy
    • Producer Communications and Extension
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    Those benefits create a more profitable, sustainable wheat industry for Saskatchewan!

Want To Learn More?

Our Mission The Saskatchewan Wheat Development Commission (Sask Wheat) is a producer-led organization established to grow the province’s wheat industry.
Our History
To embrace our future, it’s important to understand our past.
Research is at the core of what we do – it creates a more profitable, sustainable future for everyone in Saskatchewan.